Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Promise of Snow!

It is calling for snow tomorrow night!
After crappy few weeks I have had,
the promise of snow is a wonderful treat!
Thank you for everyone's
thought and prayers for Sky dog.
We did have to make the hard choice to have Sky
put down last week. It was one of the hardest 
things I have ever had to do.
But we do know it was for the best.
She was in too much pain and we were just
keeping her with us for us, not for her.
We will miss her every day!
Love you Sky!


Merlesworld said...

Sky was a beautiful dog.

Yarni Gras! said...

aw Jenny, I am so sorry. We will be making that choice for our own Ginger one day due to an old injury. The thought of it makes me sad. Knowing you've already had to make that choice breaks my heart. I know Sky was your baby and will be greatly missed.