I have been a part of this organization for 17 years now and would not have it any other way, unless it was because we have BEATEN cancer! I do this for my family, for your family and for anyone and everyone who is affected by this damn disease! If you have a chance, click on the link above and see what we are about, but also visit Miss Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for other Pink Saturday posts!
Good for you! It looks like you are having some fun along the way too. Happy Pink Jenny!
What a wonderful post!! Everyone seems to be having a wonderful time!
Happy Pink Saturday - I hope you ave good golf weather wheeever you are. Good for you guys for being a part of the cause- CailinMarie
Happy Pink Saturday Jenny Sweetie...
What a beautiful share. Thank you for standing in for my family. We certainly have lost our share of family members to cancer. I have stopped counting, as the number is just to great.
You look so precious in your yellow, and doesn't your sweet Daddy look precious in PINK? I love it. He is so handsome.
Have fun out there. Don't get to overheated now. Sending many hugs and much love, Sherry
What a great cause, Jenny! It's so wonderful that you volunteer for this event, because I bet it can't be done without the generous support of volunteers. Hurray for you!
Happy Pink Saturday!
what a wonderful cause and a great reason to be out and about today :-)
Thank you for the good work you are doing. Love all the pink shirts.
Happy Pink Saturday!!
Way to go to all of you-looks like you're having a great time raising money for a good cause!
What a great way to celebrate Pink Saturday. Love your post. Thanks for reminding us.
Hi dear, and thanks to you and your wonderful daddy for all you do to support this amazing fundraiser annually. As Jimmy V said, "never give up", and all of us who are survivors appreciate anything done to rid the world of cancer!
I'm getting sorted after the Calif.trip - Paula said to tell you and mom hi.
Love, Mary
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