Sorry I am running a little late this morning.
It was just so nice and snuggly in bed this morning and
Kyle actually slept past o'dark thirty this morning!
I am thrilled he loves school so much but waking up at 6 on
Saturday and Sunday excited to go to school is
just not good!! hehehe! So I am just going to share
a few vintage ladies(?) for you to check out!

PetSmart is having a pet adoption weekend.
With this recession so many people are without
jobs that many had to give up their animals,
so the shelters are full! So we may go over and
look at all the cuties! Maybe I can talk Jason
into another doggie or something.....

Maybe if I promise to dress like this when I iron??
Go visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for other Pink Saturday Posts!
It is amazing to me all the work she has to put
into this to bring so many blogger friends together!