Now we are off to bed!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Pink Saturday!

Friday, January 29, 2010
We're ready....
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Bad Blogger Buddy!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Pink Saturday!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Favorite Picture

he just looks like a little Old Navy ad or something! I just love this picture of him!! So much so that I played with it!
And love it even more in black and white!
So I would love to see your favorite picture.
If you want to play please consider yourself tagged!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Happy Pink Saturday!

Saturday, January 9, 2010
Happy Pink Saturday!

Happy Pink Saturday! I hope you have a wonderful day and stay warm, we are having a high of 33 today so I will not be opening the shop as we only have a little space heater in the office and I want to still have my toes on Sunday!!! hehehe!
Join Beverly over at How Sweet the Sound for other pink posts!!
And thank you to all of my new followers! I join SITS and have gotten a few new ladies reading my blog!! If you don't know what I am talking the link to see!!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Happy Pink Saturday!

This is my brother in law with Kyle in front of our
Christmas tree and my Dad in front of the TV!A far off shot of the tree, with one of the only shots I got of my mother in law!!
Jason's beautiful 91 year old grandmother and my wonderful sister in law!
Christmas was wonderful and we all had a great time! These were really the only shots that came out from that evening!! Cooking for 12 really did not let me take too make pictures!
We fried a turkey, had a ham and all the fixings! It was a wonderful evening and so nice to spend time with the family! I know 2010 will be awesome since we are surrounded by so many loved ones!
I hope all my Pink Saturday friends had a great New Years and I look forward to this year of sharing more pink with you all!
Join Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for more Pink Saturday posts!