Saturday, October 31, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Pink Saturday---no wedding!
I thought I would take a break from my sisters wedding pictures to show you this!
This is from Betty at She's Sew Pretty who is also my pick for Pink Saturday Intro!!
Beverly at How Sweet the Sound is having her weekly Pink Saturday Blog Party,
but has asked us to introduce our readers to someone
new that they maybe have not visited before!
Betty also has a wonderful Etsy shop where she SELLS these cute pincushions!
I cannot sew, so anyone who can is tops in my book! So go visit Betty,

tell her I sent ya and have a great Saturday! I have to go clean the house!

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Photo Wall
One of the fun items of the wedding was a
a veil
and a hat,
some glasses....
just way to much fun!
But this one was my favorite!
photo wall like the old time carnival ones!
My sister
and her friend (the minister)
created these walls with the help of some vintage clothes
my mom found! One was a wedding dress and one was a tuxedo.
We had some vintage props that PEOPLE could wear,

All day the flower girl Kendall was walking
around saying "Kyle and I are getting married today"
It was really tooooo precious!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Look how cute they are!

You should have seen these two!
Kyle would NOT dance with anyone but Kendal all night!
Not even Mommy! Until I GRABBED him!And my Husband!
So much fun! More pictures tomorrow!
Ya'll will be so sick of this wedding!! hehehe!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Perfect Day!
My sister was such a BEAUTIFUL bride!
We could not have asked for a better day, except for the temperature!
It was a little chilly so everyone was snuggled up around the heaters,
but other than that....awesome!
I will share more pictures later!!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Happy PInk Saturday!
Well, I needed some Pink inspiration this week as
Kyle is down with walking pneumonia and an ear infection!
He is 5 and this is his FIRST ear infection!!
We have lucked out!! He really is okay, just drained!! So
here are some Pink Items from around the net that I thought were funny!
Bet a ride in this car would make him feel better!
I think this would be to girly for him, but I think it is funny!

Maybe if mommy died her hair pink???
But maybe just some pink smiles from all my blog friends would be the best medicine!!!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
My mommy and a great friend found it! YEAH!!!!!
I will have to scan the picture so you can see it better,
but my scanner is not hooked up right now!
I have looked and looked on line and have not found this picture,
but the date in the bottom corner says 1978!
She is wearing a "STAR" bikini! I collect stars,
which I may or may not have mentioned on here!
Flying Pigs,
and Hilda....
and Gossamer from

Warner Brothers (the big orange monster)!

I am a woman of many varied tastes!! hehehe!!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Weekend Wedding!
This weekend we went to the wedding of some friends of ours!
It was actually a church in one of the oldest cities in North Carolina, New Bern.
New Burn was the original capital of NC when the USA was just a baby, hehehe!
This is Tryon Palace, the original capital building. We did not have time this weekend to visit, but I went as a teenager and loved it. Everyone was in period costume and interacted with the visitors! I remember it was a ton of fun!
This was Kyle at the church, but this was Kyle at the reception!
He was just not feeling good so he crashed and slept for about an hour!
But the bride and groom were oblivious to everything except each other!
While it was AT the beach, it was luckily not ON the beach,
as it poured Friday night and Saturday morning! We got into town Friday night and had dinner outside on a patio at a wonderful restaurant in the shadow of this "castle" as Kyle called it!
Congrats Melissa and Walter!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Pink Saturday
Hi all! I soooo need to start doing posts before 9:00 at night on Friday! hehehe!
Especially since we are at the beach for a friends wedding!

So I am making this short and sweet!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Whatever you are doing
and I will join you on Sunday when we get back!

Thursday, October 1, 2009
This post is in honor of my friend Erin at The Queen of Clearance!
At work on Sunday, one of our dealers came in and mentioned "The Body Shop" was having a warehouse clearance sale at a local warehouse up the road. It was almost closing time so Gail, our weekend worker, told me to run up and check it out as she did not have her car at work, so she could not leave.
Boy am I glad I did!
Here is a picture of my loot!
It was the last day of the sale so everything was 50% off!!
See this lamp oil set?
$25.00 at the store....guess how much I paid for it?
$1.50! (I got 5)
See these bath salts and oils? $8 to $15.00 normally!
I got lipsticks, lip glosses, eye liners, shower gels, oils, bubble baths, perfumes, nail polishes, nail files, oil diffusers...too much to mention!!
Look at my receipt!
$33.67 for about $400.00 worth of stuff. Tons of presents
(for family that does not read my blog! hahaha!)
Tons of goodies to add into giveaways or swaps! I am so excited!
What deals have you found lately??
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