Maybe I can work a pedicure into my weekend too? Should I get flowers?

Or polka dots?

Wish us luck!
Maybe I can work a pedicure into my weekend too? Should I get flowers?
Or polka dots?
Wish us luck!
Now we gotta work on those tan lines!!
Thank Goodness this is me!
Hope you all have a happy Pink Saturday and wish us luck!
Retreat!! Retreat!!
(man I hope the sun comes out soon!!)
And she likes PIGS!!! hehehe!
Then as they walked across the stage to get their "diploma" they announced what the kids said they wanted to be when they grew up. Guess what my little man said!!
"A Suzanna's Antiques Shop worker"
Everyone just cracked up!! I have the shop emblem on my car so all the parents knew just what he was talking about! It was so cute!!
I think he was a little excited and proud!!
Now onto Pink Saturday!
Mary from Across the Pond just got back from England and look what she brought me!!
Pink Piggy Candy!! Of cource I had to share it all with you!
Thank you Miss Mary!
Join Bev at How Sweet the Sound for other Pink Saturday Posts!
Hugs! Jenny
fruit and veggies having babies!
Go to Oodles and Oodles to see all her wonderful posts!!
Thanks Jenny