Join Beverly for more Pink Saturday goodies!!I have some cuties for you this week! If you have read my blog at all you know I collect flying pigs.Well, a few weeks ago my mom and I had a rare afternoon without Kyle while shopping. Kyle was playing with Poppy and doing Big Boy things! hehehe! We had so much fun going through Cameron Village shops and playing!!There is a cute party store we went through looking for wedding ideas for my sister and just enjoying ourselves when on a whim I asked the lady if they had anything with Flying Pigs on it...well, look what she pulled out!
This is a Flying Pig hat for a VERY small head that when you pull the drawstring the wings flap. Too cute!
Then...the best things ever!
The ladies who work at the store really must have thought we were nuts because we were giggling like little girls and just had to buy these! Jason said he would disown me if I ever wear tehm, but I had to get them!! Just too much fun!
Hope you have as much fun in all you do!!
Love Jenny