All the kids had to wear their PJ's to class and there was
hot chocolate and cookies and Christmas stories!!
Kyle and Abria are so cute together!!
I came in to read to the class and even wore my PJ's...
but thank goodness NOONE got a picture!! hehehe!
From our family to yours...We hope everyone has a wonderful, magical Christmas.
Merry Christmas!
Love Jenny, Jason and Kyle
No wings but soooooo cute!
Merry Christmas!!!
here is a little gift for you all.....
Some cute little Christmas mice. Another free image from my collection!
Another "new" old purchase this year. My hubby's stocking fell apart last year and mom got me this one at a thrift store last week, so from now on Jason will be called Guy. (I like it) hehehe! Let me know what "new" old stuff you have gotten this year!
(hanging off my TV hutch)
This is my newest little mouse...Check out that smile!
(This is my oldest newest guy in my entry way)
The vintage ones are my favorite, but every once in a while there will be a good one at TJ Maxx. In looking them up on ebay, there is a 6 foot tall dragon that is amazing...maybe Kyle needs another stuffed animal???hehehe
Here is another free image to use from my own private collection!!
This is a vintage card from my own collection! Feel free to use the image if you wish!!
Thank you to How Sweet the Sound for hosting Pink Saturday for us all!
Now on to other Pink Saturday pictures!
Hahaha!! You thought I didn't have any more Flying Pigs left didn't you????
Fooled you!!
This is my FAVORITE flying pig. My grandmothers name was Annaliese, and she collected Annalee dolls. I have a great collection now, but this guy takes that cake!!
I will share more of my Annalee dolls and their history later this week!!
Happy Pink Saturday!